don't know story.

"The witches case ", part 2.
Judge : let me ask.
For this type of event why don't you use any magic book and save every one's time.
Grandma Witch : we are not allowed use any type of magic or spells,
Our word should be good enough.
We are natural healers, not magicians.
Narrator : they want someone else to do the job.
Judge : I am beg you a pardon?
Grandma Witch : let's just all calm down.
Narrator : I am sorry, Hell is my sensitive subject.
Grandma Witch : I think if we could use anything, we would do it long time ago.
Judge : what is the case?

don't know story.

"The witches case".
Judge : what's the point in this story?
Poetess : practice makes perfect.
Judge : I see few women and few men,
Are they the witches?
Poetess : yes.
The real witch : may I protest.
Witchcraft is beauty magic, it's passion, knowledge and strict skills.
I don't see any talent for unseen here,
Plus I am sorry those women are agly.
So they can't be called witches.
Judge : how should we call them?
Narrator : may I say briefly.
Few times I've been advised from  the complaint side as well to send them to Hell, but this not going to happen.
Grandma witch : why not?
Narrator : I know how it will end up.
It will end up in Church.
Praying and asking for forgiveness.

New Kings. .

Pastor: Good day Norma. 
Norma: my name is Prosperous now.
Pastor: Well, it's great to hear!
I am calling to say thank you for donating proceeds (looking at new palm tree) or I should say seeds of your house to our Church.
It will be build in no time.
Donald (to Prosperous): where are you going to live?
Prosperous: like a fish in the ocean,
Anywhere Jesus wants me to live!
Donald (to Pastor): do you know magic?
Pastor : abracadabra!
No..I just want the money.
She is dumb as duck.
Donald : she looks beautiful to me.
Pastor : yeah, they look amazing.

New Kings. .

Donald : Madame, Monsieur,
We are trading your Français green un chou on our American cabbage,
Fairly and equally, one cabbage for one cabbage,
No exchange.
Don't forget to water it twice daily.
I have to translate it too?
(on the side) make sure no bugs.
Canadians said if they see one more bug again, they will lock their agricultural doors this time for sure.
Who is going to buy all our bananas?

New Kings. .

Donald (on the phone ) : sweetheart I found you farm.
Hilary : what am I going to do on the farm?
Donald : farm things.
Hilary : and why are you still calling me every day!
Donald : because you are only one my oppositionist.
Hilary : it was two years ago.
Donald : oh..

don't know story

Poetess : no I am not writing from Siberia,
And not from locked up place either  (laughing).
Inner voice : seems happy actually.
Poetess (singing) : give me beautiful land as a gift,
I will not put a brick on it,
Never build any door from you, let some one else to shine, cross the line.
What will I have?
Let me think...
I will have sky with wind, day and night. .

Good night

New Kings. .

Donald ( on the phone ) : Good morning sweetheart!
I know, I know it's only five in the morning.
I had a look at the clock myself.
Once in a while we should really freeze the time,
See I am sharing my political secrets with you.
Are you ready for the first day of our full time employment?
.. you threw IDs in the garbage?
Me too! All of them, but unfortunately we have to fight white unemployment as well.
And I had to pick them up and go back to work to my office.
See, the strawberry farm is very nice and quiet..

don't know story

Grandma w.: when you are in public places, don't talk, only genuinely smile.
Poetess : should I write it like this?
Only smile?
Grandma w. : my grandmother,
She was very beautiful woman, one hundred years old!
She would always tell me,
Don't talk, only smile, and people will think that you are very intelligent person.
Inner voice : when a woman take picture with her husband and weird creature at the back round, she should not look uglier then the weird creature.
Grandma w. : different men like different things,
We shall not worry about it.
Poetess : may be she didn't see the weird creature?
Inner voice : it's 2 meters tall.
I think it's in museum somewhere. .
Grandma w. : who knows?
Poetess : my vacation doing very well,
I am very happy. ..relaxed,
I stopped chowing gum too.

New Kings. .

Donald : once again I was falsely accused by corrupted media for looking dreamingly in the sky. This news is completely false, because I was not dreaming, I was wishing that something would drop on our heads. The good thing, my wishes on flying stars never come true.

..will be back on Sunday 

New Kings. .

Judge : no one born this way!
Harvey : we can go?
Judge : please, free to go!
Harvey (near the door) : please.
Donald : only after you.
Harvey : what are you here for?
Donald : for draining swamp.
Hilary (opens the door): outside is Hell.

Good night

don't know story

Inner voice : moody again?
This is nightmare..
I hope not my fault at least.
You people should be lucky to find me and blame for all the misfortunes.
Let me
Well go to casino after work!
Quick problem solving is the key to success.
Grandma w. : you are our biggest motivator.
Inner voice : do you know what's money?
They are roots to all you know who.
And he is quite miserable in the morning,
Counting all the money personally.
One million one, one million two, one million five, one million ten.
Can't change a horse on the ride!
Ladies let's follow own protocol and worry about own business.
Sing something.
Grandma w. : in the morning "Hello" often sounds like " o", often sounds like " o ",
Plus four letter word.
Poetess: I should've just work.
There are gossips, jealousy, discrimination and sexual harassment,
I would be quietly thinking about that instead of thinking about H..l.
Grandma w. : at least you are not possessed.
Inner voice : possession when you think something different, unknown before.
Aunt : I don't see anything different,
We are safe!
Inner voice : don't watch too much Internet.
Some of those people need horns and brains themselves.
Grandma w. : let's relax, be who we are,
We mind our own business for generations.
Inner voice : once I was in love with very beautiful woman.
I forgive her all, may be, I thought,
Mushrooms and berries affect her,
But she was usual self.
Honey, what side are you on?
I asked thinking may be something would change.
Not all all, happy and sleeping like a baby.
I was flying to get her star to make at least one productive wish,
And she wished for happiness.
It was time when I was hiding from my own shadow,
I realized one more day like this and I will be nicer then you know who.
One thing I didn't know,
Jealousy was born before her.
What about sharing and caring!
Everything was out of proportions and thrown in my face..
Grandma w. : what a beautiful story..

New Kings. .

Hilary: what is this?
Donald : please forgive her,
She has no idea what she is talking about.
Hilary : I am talking about what I am seeing.
Right in front of me.
Donald : they are small aliens sweetheart.
Stoped by to celebrate our new special relationships.
Flew around planets, our space rockets and garbage we left plenty since the moon discovery. 
They secretly told me,
Once Mars was made great again.
(to the aliens) she's never been outside of the Earth.
We are not very modernized here, only two ways of traveling besides the Earth,
Our beautiful blue planet.
Hilary : and what are they doing here?
Donald : nothing.
The aliens said (reading text) people have done so much, that we don't know what else to do.
(to the aliens) very sweet!
Hilary : and you brought them home!
Donald : I  couldn't leave them in the garden sitting under our flag. .

don't know story

The real witch : are you at work again?
Poetess : no, I am on healthy eating plan.
Actually few women here had plastic sergeries and I am thinking creams will work,
Or may be I should have short hair style.
In two weeks supposed to be different person.
Grandma w. : I had short hair cut when I was young and all my superpowers were gone and never came back.
I remember wishing something would posess me, no such luck either.
One time my grandmother,
She was very beautiful woman.
She told my mother in law:
Lets not worry ourselves any more.
And they started to laugh like they were insane.
Mom : don't eat too much over there.
Every time you go to civilized place, you eat as never eaten in your life.
Aunt: lock on the fridge.

New Kings. .

Donald : once again I was falsely accused by fake news media for looking as if I have a secret on official picture.
This news is completely true, because I have secret.
I am half way engaged.