New Kings. .

Donald (gives brooms to woman and man wearing shirts "new employee"): let's get life.
Woman: I hate everything.
Donald : I know, I know, but only you two can make America great again.
We have a lot of mess to clean
And where else is better to start if not in the biggest zoo in the world.
You long nails might become quite handy in scrubbing.
(Whispering to the woman) I left your partner extra mop in case he will try to give his mop to you.
(pointing at playing monkey): only work made us into humans, very intelligent and sophisticated creatures.
Otherwise we would be still sitting on the tree and doing nothing.
Here go sweetheart (gives banana to the monkey). 
Five minutes after twelve and no lunch!
I will check your menu personally.
You are not only monkey, you are our American monkey.