I was talking to my grandmother on Skype today...

I was born in Siberia, was living there for two weeks as a new born baby
And then my grandparents brought me to their house,
With my great grand mothers, great grand aunts. ..
My parents were in university.
Few times I was in Siberia as an adult, huge Siberia forest..
Now my son, who is Canadian,
He likes cold, snow, ice, winter...

Good morning

don't know story

Poetess : someone was lucky.
Me for not going to darker sours of power and cursing someone.
Or the one I was about to curse?
I am working in different department now,
And it's mostly empty.
Really someone is lucky.
Grandma: I would probably say few words and be done with it.
Poetess : another thing,
I list 3 pounds and I am not wearing any skirts,
Only leggings and t shirt, just like 20 years old here.
Plus I have a surprise..
Grandma : what?

Today Hugh Hefner past away, founder of Playboy magazine...
In early 90's Playboy was first foreign magazine that was allowed to sell in post Soviet Union, and you had to know someone from book store to be able to keep it for you.
We had few copied, I remember looking at almost naked women..
It was nice time, youthfulness, freshness. ..
This kind of memory

Good morning

New Kings. .

On the set of a new movie "Bunker saga".
Now near the bunker, golden from inside, crappy from outside to not disturb masses (people).
Donald : Well my fellow citizens,
Apocalypse is coming today at 6 pm.
Exactly at the dinner time, yes fatties...
Don't forget to eat your vegetables and lock the doors, stay safe and sound.
No, it's not going to be a free movie or anything free like health care for old lady.
For some reason it's going to be only in the United States of America.
Who said a new war?
Children? New generation knows everything.
No school on Christmas either kids!
Which is weird about .. but according to our horoscope for the day after tomorrow, we all be okay.
The ones who are in the bunker.
Thank Goodness.
Now kids let's study science and look at the beautiful moon,
Soon we will discover it 24 X 7,
Yeah, after we completely upgrade our planet we will be living on the moon.
Looks kind of close today..

Good morning :)

don't know story

Poetess : I want to put a curse on some one.
Some one from work.
I don't want to have a quick result,
I want torture.
The real w.: I would pray.
Aunt : I would check the Internet,
Question, answer, talk to people. .
Poetess : it has to be justice,
May be not from people,
At least from higher powers.
Grandma : this is not our speciality.
Grandma w.: my grandmother was a beautiful woman, never forgive anything to anyone. Little things, she didn't care, but big, never.
This how you live long, 105 is not a joke.
Poetess : I know I shouldn't do that, but another part of my thinking wants very much.
Curse the ... and see what happens.
Aunt : anyway, today I have to stick needles in five asses, might be tortures too.
At least I get paid for what I do.
You will be volunteer.
Grandma : either way, everything is going to be good.
Poetess : will it mess up my aura?
Grandma : na..

Good day

Good morning

Good night

New Kings

On the set of a new movie " Titanic ".
Donald and Hilary are still on the iceberg.
Hilary : where is this ... (swears) pig?
Donald ( twitting ) : what?
Hilary : the pig for dinner!
Donald : must be in the freezer.
Hilary : so start digging!
If the bears get it before you,
I impeach you for breakfast.
Donald (looking at the ice): which side my dear ?

I was talking to my grandmother today on the phone..

a few pictures

don't know story

Poetess : I didn't write for a while,
Wanted to see a physic, who knows everything.
But it didn't happen.
Me and my friend went to a flee market on Saturday,
The woman who reads hands,
She was giving her business cards near her office.
She was about to give me the card.
This what I was there for.
Would you like me do reading?
And I said very loud and very mean "no", right to her face,
She looked kind of scared.
So now I am at work.
The news today, some one said, I am fascinating,
And it's hot here, I thought, it's hot, then I spill water all over my clothes.
Grandma : I tell you everything myself,
Every thing will be good.
I remember my mother,
When people went to see her,
She would always say,
Everything will be good.
And people would ask,
How she knows?
She would say, I don't have to know,
I have to say.
Grandma w: my grandmother was a beautiful woman, never cared in her life about anything.
You tell her something, she would smile,
It will be fine.
Grandma: oh....

Good morning :)

Smile and have a great day :)

New Kings. ..

On the set of a new movie " Titanic ". 
Donald and Hilary are still on the iceberg, now day 1, evening.
Hilary (looking at the moon, dreamingly) : everyone is equal, we all have rights and privileges!
Donald (thinking): time to rescue ourselves before I start to think stupid stuff...
Hilary : Unity!!!
Donald : my dear I am for joint washrooms,
Only if it's a hot chik lady who thinks she is a man.
Hilary : I've committed only one crime,
I am jealous!
Donald : I am not Angel myself people,
I am your Father on Earth.
Hilary : Freedom of speech in every newspaper!
Donald : does it,
Time to call my country,
Where is my phone (diling) ..9..1..1..
I can't be without my country
And my country can't be without me.
Hilary : I love you.
Donald : I hope paramedics are fast..

Good night

I am not afraid to get old,
I am not afraid to walk my road all the way tall,
Because I know one day
On my birthday party,
A boy will give me flowers and say,
We love you grandma.
Little girl in pink skirt will sit on my lap,
A baby with surprised look will stare in the high chair.
I will be thinking about sometimes in 1990 when grandmother told me,
Come here, look down in the water.
She would touch it with her hand,
And I will see an old woman, blond hair, bright lipstick, smile,
Children, cake, balloons, its a house, a party..
But I don't understand what they say, its not my language..

Good morning

Good night

New Kings

On the set of a new movie " Titanic ". 
Donald and Hilary are still on the iceberg, both looking at the sun and the moon, which are in the opposite directions.
Hilary : may be we are in the space? In Cosmos... 
Donald : no my dear, we are still on Earth.
Hilary (gives Donald a look) : I understand why my husband doesn't want to rescue me. 
He doesn't know where I am..
(flirty)..you know. .
Donald : you went on vacation without telling your husband?
Hilary : men go on vacations without telling their wives...plenty of times..
Sometimes they are vacationing in their office.
Why should I tell?
(Hilary turns to a group of male penguins): Ladies go on vacation without telling your husbands!
Donald : let's not teach birds bad things.
Hilary : but why your women don't want to rescue you?
Donald : my dear, the most innocent day in my life was the day I was born.
Hilary : and?
Donald : think yourself..
Why would you rescue your man you had to share with someone else?

Good morning