Fools gold. The reasons.

King of Fools (singing on the phone): what's shaking, what's baking..
Do you have big table?
I wasn't sleeping all night. 
Its plum!
The company name?
We will pick spontaneously today.
At least, I will not forget I am sleeping on the wrong side at 2 o'clock. 
Mama Mia: note from the government. 
" We don't have white paper, only green".
Mister Fool: give it to the boss.
King of Fools: this why they are pointing this way!
Send a reply "We don't have ink in our pen".
And send note to everyone "You want money, you will work".
Mister Fool: everyone is smart these days.
We had habbit of being busy.
Today we are on break.
King of Fools: and every one still complains for an hour.
Mister Fool: send a note "It will be done on Tuesday. We have variety."
Mama Mia: phone call!
Miss witch: essential services!
Ten dollars an hour?
Very original. 
You don't want to push him?
That's the problem. 
Push him in the moon light.