Fools gold.

1. King of Fools : let me call the witch myself.

Than less victims we have, then better ...reputation.
The Beast : what reputation?
King of Fools: Sign here, I agree to be a fool but never a victim.
The Beast : never!
King of Fools : how long have you been in this condition my friend?
(making phone call).
Ze Bella : tell her I said "hi".
King of Fools : she says,
You two shall have a baby.
How she doesn't know...manage I guess.
The Best : let me talk.
King of Fools : I won't advise.
She might turn you in someone else.
Between us, I would just have a baby,
It's so much easier then argue with the witch.
The Beast : great!
Ze Bella : I am having no baby with a stranger.
Even my magic kiss didn't work on him.
King of Fools : not surprised at all, looks wild to me.
With another lady he was little bit darker.
Well in some way the witch is right,
Go home and have a baby
It's her thing .. babies.
She loves babies.
Before she used to recommend dogs,
Move in together, have a dog.
Going to college, have a dog, have a house, have a dog..
Producer : that's enough!
King of Fools : let me bless you on your way.

2.Mother : where is the Beast?

Ze Bella : taking shower.
Mother : he is taking showers too often now.
The Beast ( whispering to Ze Bella )  : when are your parents leaving?
Mother : if my daughter is cursed with this love kiss..
The Beast : I would like to get it.
Mother:  ... like her father couldn't find anyone better to drink with, I am cursed too.
Where are the maids?
Ze Bella : breakfast is ready!
The Beast (looking at the plastic containers) : where are all my cups and plates?
Ze Bella : they feel on the floor..
The Best : what,
They are my servants..
Ze Bella : I am sorry, they were quite all the way to the garbage..

3. Producer : how are you feeling today?

King of Fools (on the radio): Ozdom! Ozdom! Ozdom!
Producer : sometimes I wish I was a fool.
My dreams would come true in no time.
Now all this books, movies..
Guess what?
We stayed until 8 yesterday.
The Beast : why don't you join them?
Producer : who?
The fools?
It's a cult, you can't join them, you have to be one and show it.
Who knows what they are doing over there.
Secretly I think they are fooling every one and doing nothing.
The Beast : what's wrong with this boat?
(Next day).
Producer : your boat sink on the middle of the river.
King of Fools : you should've use the boat adjuster!
The Beast : what is "the boat adjuster"?!
King of Fools : the remote control.

4. Witch ( mixing something in the pot): ten orange, ten green,

Ten claps and one smile.
I'd doesn't work!
(calling on the phone): it doesn't work!
Lady on the phone : help a fool (quickly disconnects).
King of Fools (to the lady on the phone): you don't love me, I already know that.
Witch (to King of Fools): how do I know you are real fool?
I am not going to help any fool wanna be.
King of Fools : baby, if you know what we are doing, you will be surprised.
Witch :. ...

5. King of Fools : it's Friday tomorrow,

Aren't we lucky!
(loud noise).
The Beast (from inside): don't touch my door,
Touch your door!
King of Fools (with his army, breaks the door): it wasn't me.
What's wrong with this door?
The Beast : and who is going to pay for the damage?!
King of Fools : you didn't press "okay" button.
I've been throwing some duzies for an hour until we got here to rescue you.
The Beast : I am ready to look for the fools gold.
King of Fools ( to Ze Bella ) : if you can't sleep at night call me.
And I go see girls before going home.

6. King of Fools (on the phone): if I wear pants, I don't wear pink!

I love you too baby,
See you later.
(to Troll): my Angel.
Troll (shaking): there is fire all over the house!
King of Fools: oh.. this how we warm up at winter.
Summer is over, summer is caput,
We have to nice and warm here.
Let's get back to work.

7. Troll: 50 bucks!

King of Fools: probably my Angel was hiding from me.
I wonder now what else she is hiding!
Troll: let's check first how Fools gold looks like.
King of Fools: how?
Troll: on the Internet, how else.
King of Fools: I should've work in Chinese restaurant, eat food with giant chopsticks.
Rotate as usual.
Troll: I am sure we are going to find more.