Black King: can we remove all posters of great white Kings from my office.
I am inviting my friends for lunch and youth too.
New King number one: your Majesty..
I have never expected this kind of wisdom on first day..
I was thinking to dispose the art myself, but you know..
Every time I look at brave ancient faces
I feel guilty.
Ancient Kings built the country, we successfully have rebuilt it.
I bring that pictures to ladies showers and changing rooms.
They complain all the time about gorgeous statues they have.
What a brilliant idea!
New Queen number one: it's taking you too long to come up with things in our country.
Look, Black King only has to look in front of him.
New King number one: she is my adviser.
Keep going my lady, I will take notes.
Should we let him look around?
New Queen number one: name things in front of you, test.
New King number one: life..
Princess (on the phone): I want it white,
At least I can see light at the end of dark!
Princess number two: and where is the boyfriend!
Princess: at home, asking me what time it is.
New King number one: here my King, our great help is all for you.
Black King: where?
New King number one: on the paper.
The instructions.
You must read it as well.
Black King: you are giving me help on the paper?
New King number one: that's only help you get.
My personal advise, give this paper to someone else.
To be on my level.
Black King(reading): bring this, do that, say this, sign here..
You said there is no more slavery in the country.
New King number one: this is not anything like that my friend.
Only long journey, according to the Constitution of course.
We will blame you for everything, even for winds and rainy showers,
Weather is not very cooperative now days,
but, the good thing, you will be kind of far to reach and leave a message.. you will be on very important meetings..

New Kings..

Donald: what's for dinner sweetheart?
Hilary: nothing.
Donald: another epic conversation.
Didn't you give a look the other day?
Or it was for my chair?
Hilary: it will be epic every day.
Donald (happily): she is the one!
(singing) .. chair like chair,
Only on top of the world..

New Kings..

Donald: besides the wall that flying around Jupiter right now, looking at the clouds.
Its been successful years.
Hilary: leave it for next time.

New Kings..

Donald: any ideas gentlemen?
Voice from outside: no, only facts.
Voice from outside: maybe we should try magic?
Voice from outside: who is building anything with magic in global power?
Only with the money!
Donald: we have to think again.
Voice from outside: for this budget, the structure is better to be golden.
Voice from outside: I am sure it will be gorgeous..

Princess: we are watching same the people over and over and over.
New King number one: they are not the same people,
They are our people!
Looking at the moon, you don't like.
Looking at people, you don't like again.
What is the difference what world you are living,
You probably won't like it anyway.
Princess: this country is weird.
New King number one: our country.
We build it from scratch.

New King number one: our second candidate for my crown!
Princess: what happened to his face?
New King number one: mark of the beast.
Princess: this is scary..
New King number one: beast tried to stop him.
Princess number two: I clearly see print from five fingers.
New King number one: we are all experts now.
Thank you to the Internet, this how my day ends and starts, may be I learn new ideas and finally become human.
(pushing New King number two): say something.
(New King number two is laughing).
New King number one: yeah.. it will be tough..
Why you girls don't talk to each other much.
Princess: we are in politics now.

Princess number two: no water?
How I am going to wash my hands?
New King number one: well stop touching stuff and your hands will be clean.
Princess: here is no food,
What kind of restaurant is it?
New King number one: this one is for women,
They are watching weight anyway.
All food was sent to Black King and his army.
Do you know how much they eat!
New King number two: just look outside,
It's warm and black,
When it's white it is cold.
Is warm because its black.
Black is beautiful.
New King number one: enough for ladies,
They always believe first.
Go to sleep, make sure to go to bed earlier.
We have plans.
(to New King number two)
When fat cats find we are here,
They will tell us exactly where to go and we will go to the opposite direction.
Eventually, fat cats will give up.
New King number two: will we get paid?
New King number one: then more you have, than more your spend.
Zero is good.

New King number one: let’s be fair to white people.
We give you one million jobs, you give the crown to our Black King.
Lady: I think it’s called diversity.
New King number one: its only four years anyway.
Lady: with work you won’t even notice.
Few great hair may be.
New King number one: my fair lady!!
And if you think I am (pointing finger up) himself,
You are highly mistaken.
We are only reading newspaper and watching the news and seeing nightmares.
Lady: wash hands before touching food.
New King number one: for those who wasn’t raised in palace, do what you want.
You probably will have no food, we will eat it for you.
Princess number two: Am I on time for the show?
Crown will not suite us, be honest.
We all must wear hats.
Princess: and where is your black man?
Princess number two: in my dreams..

New King number one: babies again!
What do we have, wipes, diapers, baby formula and food!
Lady: who told our King number one that he is the most powerful in the world?
New King number two: one lied and one is not open book, quiet closed at times, sent at the beginning.
Lady: is this writing on the wall?
New King number one: its book of fantasies.
Philosophy for people who have mostly nothing to do any more.
In ancient days you would be officially burned.
Author: I am here for only one thing,
Whatever you are building here.
New King number one: so far we are building nothing.
New King number two: I sit on something.
New King number one: on your bum.
Princess: I am fresh to the max!
In my pink lucky jacket even I am little bit unlucky today.
If I have a broom, I fly out from this world to another galaxy.
New King number four: If you rob bank, museum or jewelry store,
Which one has the most security?
New King number one: people are waiting for King who will solve all the problems.
Where is King number five?
Princess: car fell on him.

New King number two: what should I do?
How to start? Tell me?
May be I start from what I went university for?
Where to go?
New King number one: go to Hell.
You promised fat cats will naturally blow up.
So far only one who is blowing up,
It's me!
Princess: look at this weird design.
I have never seen a man dressing like this and especially showing up in public.
Princess number two: look at these dots on the wall, above the model, .. its not part of the design..
Designer: get out ladies.
New King number one: life is so much easier if you do what I say.
Undesirable results..

King of Fools: I want to live in the world where it raining diamonds.
So I can do things.
Troll: so sad.
King of Fools: I would change my job. the city..
Sign up for new job, mining.
300 cash in the best spot ever.
Queen of Fools: look at the moon.
King of Fool: when woman looks at the moon, we know what she means.
Troll: may be there are diamonds.

New Kings..

Donald: brother Crisis.
Brother Crisis: I want to be unrecognizable.
People see me, they don't know who I am.
Donald: may be an alien?
Brother Crisis (thinking): may be..
Donald: we don't even know how aliens look like.
Go where you want, plenty of countries on the map.
Brother Crisis: who wants to go everywhere?
I like here.
Donald: I can show one lovely place.
Brother Crisis: I want to snooze.
Donald: you will snooze over there.
Beautiful place.
Brother Crisis: don't tell me, I want to guess.
Donald: lets pray, you can't go to this building without good prayer.
Brother Crisis: government!
Everyone brings me here first.

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
New King number one: we chose our women, but sometimes our women chose us.
I wonder..
New Queen number one: sit down.
New King number one: I am already sitting my love.
Choking, but eating my dinner.
Let me close the window, make sure no one hears us.
(phone rings)
New King number one: no, women don't rule the world!
They rule.. at home.

Hilary: what are those holes for?
Donald: we have to compromise with Democrats over the findings.
They want to have jobs too.
At least this what they were saying.
(pointing at the wall) Its some kind of golden bricks or something, and where is "end of the road" signs?
It supposed to be everywhere.
(on the side) drop it!
On the corner left, flip it, don't leave any spaces! side here..
King of Fools: I am trying to become free style raptor.
PJs rhymes with CJs.
Queen of Fools: one is music, one is moves..
You need steroids.
King of Fools: you need a group of people and work hard.
Queen of Fools: I know your group of people - everybody!
King of Fools: it will never happen.
Queen of Fools: music comes with singing.
Simple fact.
King of Fools: you have to use hands.
Queen of Fools: I remember seeing that..
King of Fools: this what I am telling you.
And go crazy, jump all over the place.
Okay baby, have to do my work.
May be I should write with oil paint like raptor Musty?
Be little bit dusty and beautiful..

New King number one: where are you?
New King number two: in jail.
My life is ruined!
New King number one: it never stops great warrior!
How much money do they want?
New King number two: four thousand dollars.
New King number one: I am out.
You should've gotten black car and change headlight colour.
Black King knows the garage.
It's five thousand.
New King number two: if I buy it, can I keep it forever?
New King number one: next time rob a bank before painting car in rainbow colour and shooting in the tunnel.
Princess: I don't think he can afford it.

Good morning

New Kings..

Donald: once again I was misunderstood by fake news media.
The wall is not to keep people in the country,
The wall is from outside invaders.

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
New King number one: our new Black King!
Princess: he is black!
New King number one: we all can see and about to enjoy.
Princess number two: like you have never seen a black man!
Princess: I've seen black men!
New King number one: black man, black man..
Are you from city hiding in bushes?
Black King!
Ten dollars to show some love,
Black King will give you more later.
Black King: where is my Queen?
New King number one: perfect purity.
Lady: is she black?
New King number one: you only can joke ladies.
She is black, beautuful, hot and knows how to cook, favourite qualities of many home Kings.
Write it down somewhere.
We are doing serious business here.
We are ruling the world.
I always wished we all become equal to each other, no rich or poor, no discrimination..
Princess: he is the one who made that wish before all lights went off..
Princess number two: how much is the reward?
Princess: I don't think it was him wishing on TV,
He is the one giving the reward.
Princess number two: hopefully not my boyfriend,
He could never pay for what I want..

New Kings..

Donald: look at this!
Hilary: newspaper..
Donald: don't read, it's poisonous.
Let me burn it.
Have to write articles myself!
"Once again I was accused by corrupted news media for not worrying our fellow citizens about true cost of new border wall.
This news is completely fake because I was worrying fellow citizens, the ones who have this billion dollars".

Lady number two: Alexa tell me a joke.
New King number one: Alexa tell me the weather.
Lady number two: she can play songs too.
New King number one: what song should I sing?
King Bear?
Lady number two (looking at pictures): look at this picture!
New King number one: children again?
All women I know seem more excited only when word "child" comes around.
Lady number two: this woman, I was reading about her in magazine few years ago.
Such a change.
New King number one: not my type, I like meat, especially when she is stretching and not taking long.
Probably "I am not like every one else" wrong philosophy.
Lady number two: I think I am like every one else.
New King number one: me too.
Let's check what else he has here.
(singing) we are people that never leaves,
As long as door is closed on my side.
Lady number two (singing): when I kiss you deep in your lips.
When I scratch your hand you are mine.
Lady: today I am wearing military.
Lady number two: is she going to fight her imaginary friends?
There are too many.
New King number one: I used to know one fighter.
Supposed to give him my crown.
As soon place started to stink, he walked away, I mean, drove.
Lady number two: I would stay if it stinks.
Where to go? Need an idea first.
New King number one: I have to stay.
Lady number two: with that face I was expecting something, but nothing happened.
New King number one: something definitely happened, but we will never know what.

New Kings..

Donald (talking to a small dog): its not how many things you do, it's how good you do those things.
(dog gets happy).
Donald: no one wants to bother with the beasts, only humans.
Let's go.
(In the shop).
Hilary: what would you like?
Donald: blindfolders.
In this world to survive you have to be blind or wear blindfolders.

Princess: life is boring without TV.
Princess number two: what is it?
Princess: it's where you can see yourself.
Princess: I don't like the moon.
I wish it explodes.
Princess number two: don't say it, now they arrest people for saying that,
After someone wished that everyone will be equal.
Eat your soup.
Princess: I don't like food in the soup.
Princess number two: it's delicious.
Princess: and where is the boyfriend?
Princess number two: he went on vacation for two with his female friend.
Will be back next week.
Princess: your trust is beyond magic.
Princess number two: and where is the boyfriend?
I see you are not tanned in black anymore.
Princess: I don't think he cares if I am black or white.
He walks around like he wants to stab someone.
This how we met in supermarket few nights ago.
He marched near me like he had a weapon, straight forward and very close.
I had time to pray.
New King number one:.. clearly luck of education.
Enough of white educated hypocrites like myself.
Plus there is nothing much to take for free,
Only free problems.
New Queen number one: hypocrite!
New King number one: this what I just said.
My wife is my best critic and I always accept healthy criticism.
New Queen number one: don't forget to cover the truth.
New King number one: my love..I will do it right now!

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Lady number two (looking at the photo album): he is ageing nicely..
New King number one: what do you mean,
He ageing nicely?!
He is the groom!
Lady number two: can he become our next King?
New King number one: if he stops making stupid movies for old people.
We are young, sexy and active.
Lady number two: I've never watched it anyway.
New King number one: good for you.
His spouse either.
See how hot she is.
Lady number two: this why she looks happy.
New King number one: happy, why not?
I would be happy too, staying as far from.. art as possible.
Lady number two: can we look at women?
New King number one: woman will take my crown only in my nightmare!
What is she going to do?
Cry at each sorry event we are about to plan.
Lady number two (looking at the picture): do you think this is his children?
New King number one: the robot was cooking..
Just kidding, the groom was struck by lightningng,
Duffenetely his children.