My song

(Intro) (dialog)

I want to be like a feather...
What? You want to be fat?
No! Like a feather!


I used to be like many women in the world,
Just happy with the little I got.
I followed my mothers steps when being free
Had no sense.

Verse 1

I used to wake up every morning mad,
Thinking what else I forget.
Go straight to wash tons of dishes
Like a woman without ambitions
Who joined cleaning cult.
Get a phone call from my mom:
I live my life wrong,
Look at the mirror,
Repeat like a parrot -
I 'm strong,
I'm strong!
Then drive to work like I am in the best racing team.
See couple of people who jealous of me.
I tried to blend in, be part of the team.
No mini, no make up, no being unique.
I was thinking of women still complaining of me.
But something was shining,
People followed me.
I gave them the hope,
At least daily laugh.
Of course I denied being pretty and smart.
And really, I almost blend in.
Until I looked at the eyes,
The eyes of the Queen.


Verse 2

The beautiful woman,
Hot, sexy and free.
She looked straight at me:
What's wrong with you,
Are fucking blind.
Don't tell me you've been drinking all vodka
In the world for the last hundred nights.
Can't you see?
Open your eyes.
Once again,
Can't you see!
Can't you see you are me!